WordPress 4.6 languages problem

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  • #23698

    Hello, after upgrading wordpress to 4.6 all translations from the .mo and .po file are gone.

    New general settings say wplang is no more needed in wpconfig.php , i removed it, but still, no translations have been applied.

    It’s huge impact for me.

    Can it be somehow fixed?


    I am sorry to hear this. Do you have it backed up somewhere – may be you moved it to some server or a different directory. I guess that is the only way if .po file is affected and not showing any translations.

    Can you open the .po file in text editor (instead of POEdit) and see if any translation strings are still to be found – just in case some format error made the POEdit to not read the file right? The text editor will show all of the strings as stored.

    BTW, the changes lost is not related to 4.6 version since WordPress does not touch the language files but only reads the .mo files. Are you sure you lost changes this way?


    po file is on the same place where it was, and it has all the translations it had. even in general settings, that po file is selected as the site language, just like it was. but for some reason it doesn’t show any translation. and now the wp-admin folder has the folder “languages” i don’t recall it existed before. i copied the same po and mo file from invent languages folder to wordpress languages folder, still no luck.

    1 minute after i upgraded wordpress to 4.6, english language overrid all my translations . .


    Could you tell me is translation for your theme meant to be in invent/languages or wp-admin/languages folder and should i have both, mo and po files? Something’s definitely changed with 4.6 regarding language . .


    it’s wp-content where the language folder is, sorry, not wp-admin


    Can you test it in your environment, take your default po file, translate any word, define lang in woconfig file and see if the translation has been applied . .


    Please ignore this, i found the problem, it was one function i added that caused this . . unbelievable, as soon as i removed it, translation appeared . .

    add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'shapeSpace_remove_toolbar_nodes', 999);
    function howdy_message($translated_text, $text, $domain) {
        $new_message = str_replace('Howdy', 'Добродошли', $text);
        return $new_message;
    add_filter('gettext', 'howdy_message', 10, 3);

    i added this function to replace howdy, just before i upgraded to 4.6 . . sorry once again.

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