Hello phoenix,
thanks for your reply! I understand portfolio categories but this isn’t really what I meant. Let’s take two examples, portfolio item WEBSITE for a client and portfolio item IPAD APP.
– will have a header image
– portfolio data (clent name: …, services: …, )
– SECTION with space to showcase what we did for the client (e.g. to put a web screenshot)
– will have a header image
– portfolio data (clent name: …, services: …, )
– SECTION with space to showcase what we did WITH AN iPAD photo and a scroller “inside the screen” of this ipad frame
This is what I meant, where can I chose the “type” of portfolio/reference item. Like WP has post-type (gallery, video, quote, text, audio, …)
P.S. As I was writing this it dawned on me, maybe I don’t need to pick the portfolio type, but rather just add a different page-SECTION?