Hello. I am very impressed with the theme. I am attempting to put up my front page and begin to set it up for my business, but I am having trouble figuring out how the theme works. I am looking to put in a video slide like in the 2nd home page of the preview site for the theme, as well as 3 boxes that i can put content into underneath. I would like to be able to put my logo to the left of my menu bar as well. I don’t want to ask simply how to do every page for my site, so i will just stick to the homepage for now. My url is fromthecorestudios.com – any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you! I just got the basics of it and understand it. I am trying to format 3 columns to be centered in my page and would like to format them much like the preview site as well. Is there a way to go about that through CSS or is that something I can simply change in wordpress another way? Thank you for any help.
Pls use visual Composer.Add a row and then choose 3 column.
Immediately after creating a row you will easily get an option to choose the number of columns which you require.
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