Testimonial details – client & client details

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums Invent Theme Support Testimonial details – client & client details

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  • #31998

    Hi there,

    In the new version of Invent theme Testimonial details – client & client details isn’t outputting value…
    For example, if I put client (Peter) and client details (Sales Manager) in admin panel, it should output in the page like in https://www.livemeshthemes.com/invent/testimonials/ right? but it won’t. The attached image explains this better.

    The old theme could output them but the new theme does not, though it still output the value which entered using the old theme (because just the theme is replaced to new but not database) but cannot be even seen in the client & client details section inside admin panel which means the value cannot be changed.

    So in summary,
    **Old value (entered via old theme) >> can be output but cannot be changed (because they aren’t visible in admin testimonial editing view.

    **New value (entered via new theme) >> cannot output

    It would be great if you could look into this.


    Thanks for pointing out this bug which escaped our attention. Will get it fixed within next couple of days.


    Thank you. Upon the release, it would be appreciated if you could tell me which files need to be updated. I use child theme to customize the theme so if entire parent theme (all the files) needs total replacement, I have to re-do all my work from scratch… I want to avoid that.


    The change would mostly be in the plugins Livemesh Invent Shortcodes and Livemesh Theme Addons. Will post a reply once the release is submitted tomorrow.


    Thanks. I’m waiting for the update.


    Have submitted the update. It should be approved soon by the reviewers. Thanks for helping us find these issues.


    Thank you. I will install it tomorrow and copy & make (work out) the changes for child theme… However I really would like to ask you for a favor. Is it possible for you to tell me which specific files did your team have updated. You said previously “The change would mostly be in the plugins Livemesh Invent Shortcodes and Livemesh Theme Addons.” Are these folder locations only I should be looking at? In otherwords, they are both plugins. It means the main theme files haven’t really changed?


    Pls find attached the changed files.


    Thank you so much!!!! You are so kind… I will test them out and hopefully close the ticket very soon.

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