Source Error Warning

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  • #23024

    After navigating to my site and displaying the Error Console, the following message appears many times:

    [Warning] [blocked] The page at was not allowed to display insecure content from

    How can these warnings be eliminated?


    Any Update?


    Sorry we missed this one. Are you referencing the Museo fonts somewhere in your Custom CSS in theme options or custom/custom.css file? You are pointing to our HTTP for Museo font. You should change the same to point to fonts hosted on your HTTPS server.

    You can generate the fonts as described here if you have not done so already –


    No changes to the theme were made to reference the Museo fonts.

    I installed the custom font and followed all the instructions at the link you sent. However, the errors still show. I am satisfied with the fonts being displayed on the site and do not need the Museo fonts. Is there a way to prevent the base code in the theme from trying to retrieve the Museo fonts?


    We do not retrieve Museo fonts in the theme and the theme itself does not reference Museo font in any way.

    We provide a child theme style.css with the entry for Museo which you are free to edit. If you post a temp login to the site, I can try to find out the source of this. Thanks


    Thanks. I changed the code in the child theme and the error message is no longer displaying.

    On a different topic, my website is set up as a single page. As the documentation suggests I used SiteOrgin Page builder instead of Page Sections. Each menu item is set up with a link to the row id with the content desired. When the menu item is selected, the content desired is displayed. However, I would like to scroll to the content desired and not skip directly. The documentation seems to indicate that the shortcode handles this for Page Sections. How can a scroll to the content be accomplished with Page Builder? Thanks.


    Can you pls open a fresh thread for this query ?

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