Slider Revolution doesn't work

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  • #22560

    Hi, I am using Revolution Slider version 5.1 ( I haven’t updated it to latest version). I need to try new slider so I create new one but when I want to edit slide I can’t access menu… Is it caused by I didn’t update the slider?

    Note: the menu didn’t work too on slider I have created earlier. Thanks.

    This is url and temporary login:
    username & password: adminkanaan


    Pls update your theme to latest version . You can download latest version theme from your themeforest account > downloads tab .


    Err, the problem is I modified theme but didn’t use a child theme. If I update it, my changes (though I create child theme before updating) will be lost right?


    The way I update is to replace all files. No matter what method you use (there are plugins too like this – and to update easily), you will need to backup your changes and redo any changes you made to the files on the new installation.

    Use tools like DiffMerge or WinMerge to compare the old and new files and redo the changes. You will spend probably an hour doing this but not more, specially if you have made changes only to a few select files. The dashboard settings ll be retained and hence Custom CSS entered into theme options should be fine. It’s always a good idea to have a backup though. Hope this helps.

    Best way to protect yourself from theme updates is to always make changes in the child theme. The theme is mostly child theme friendly and hence when you have time, you can probably go through the changes you have made to the core theme files and try to move them to child theme so that the core files are not affected and upgrades are smoother.


    You can find latest plugin files in frameworks/plugins folder .


    I’ve updated theme to second to newest version (I just realized the newest one and I am downloading it) but I still can’t access revolution slider…
    Sorry, I think I’ve got the access…

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