Single Portoflio page shows 'Blog' before content

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums Enticing Theme Support Single Portoflio page shows 'Blog' before content

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Pharmd784.
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  • #277

    I noticed that on a single Portfolio Page the top before content section displays Blog or whatever I enter into ‘Tagline for Blog Posts’ in Theme Options instead of Portfolio. How do I fix this? Is it possible to add a function/feature into Theme Options so a similar entry can be used, for example ‘Tagline for Portfolio Posts’.


    It should not show blog as tagline. If you look at the preview site, each of the portfolio pages have actually a custom page title. Whatever page title you provide when creating a portfolio page is what is shown on the top. Are you sure you chose the page template as Portfolio 2 Column or Portfolio 3 Column and not the Blog one when you created the page? You can see the example here –

    and all other examples of portfolio pages behave in a similar way.


    I guess I wasn’t clear – the page which is displaying BLOG is a single page after you click one of the titles inside portfolio 2 column template.
    Following your own example, if you click on ‘Clean Safe Energy’ title, you’ll see a page with BLOG at the top which I thought is not correct, since it belongs to Portfolio, it should read PORTFOLIO at the top.

    I hope it helps,


    Any help?


    This is an issue which seems to have escaped everyone’s notice. Here is the solution for it and it should be fixed in the next update. For now, can you make the following change and see if this works for you?

    Modify the file {enticing theme directory}/framework/functions/utility-functions.php , pls make the following change to the function mo_populate_tagline() from line numbers 217 to 230

    function mo_populate_tagline() {
        /* Default tagline for blog */
        $tagline = mo_get_theme_option('mo_blog_tagline', __('Blog', 'mo_theme'));
        $portfolio_tagline = mo_get_theme_option('mo_portfolio_tagline', __('Portfolio', 'mo_theme'));
        if (is_attachment()) {
            echo '<h1>' . __('Media', 'mo_theme') . '</h1>';
        elseif (is_home()) {
            echo '<h2>' . get_bloginfo('name') . __(' Home', 'mo_theme') . '</h2>';
        elseif (is_singular('portfolio')) {
            echo '<h2 class="tagline">' . $portfolio_tagline . '</h2>';
        elseif (is_single()) {
            echo '<h2 class="tagline">' . $tagline . '</h2>';

    ……. rest of the function.
    Hope this helps. Essentially, I am putting a check for portfolio type when I output the title to be displayed on the top of the page. There will be a new option in next update to control this value. For now, you can tweak the code above to choose whatever you like (Portfolio is the default). Thanks


    Thank you. It’s working.


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