Remove links in grid widget

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  • #28527
    Jessica Crisp

    I am using the grid widget to display inventory but I am not using single posts page. Is there any way to remove the link on the title and taxonomies? I don’t want anything in the grid clickable but still need to display title & such. Any ideas???


    Which grid you are using ? post or portfolio?
    Can you pls share specific page link?

    Jessica Crisp

    It is the portfolio grid, I believe. The one I’m using just says “livemesh grid” on the widget. its not the post block.
    I can’t share a link because I’m using maintenance mode, but I added screenshot. When you hover over the title, it shows a link that you can click to go the single post. I don’t want that option.
    I saw there was a way to remove the link with the picture, but not with the title or the metadata.


    Pls use the below custom CSS –

    .lae-block .lae-module-entry-info a {
        pointer-events: none !important;

    Additionally, if you are displaying titles below the grid image, you can use the following custom CSS in Elementor Addons settings window -> Custom CSS tab.

    .lae-module .entry-title a { pointer-events: none; }

    Jessica Crisp

    Thank you! It worked, Just what I needed!

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