Is there a way to change the “Portfolio Filter” text? We’d like to change it to “Product Filter” followed by all the product categories next to it. We couldn’t figure out where it was located to be able to change the name of it and how to have it categorize and show product pages rather than portfolios. Having a product feature like this would be way more beneficial for a product website over a “resume” website.
I found an old post on this but the answer “Pls change it in blog-content.php line no:396.(framework -> functions -> blog-content.php)” doesn’t seem to be it. I cannot find blog-content.php nor can I find the path “framework > functions”.
Also, the default “Shop” page that was already setup in the site at first-use uses some sort of default template that doesn’t exist anywhere else. Example: the original default “shop” page displays added products, so I’m trying to recreate a Shop2 page to do the same thing but any other page I create just let’s me choose blog, home, archive, and many columned portfolios as the template… How is a product page created in Extinct with categories and filters other than changing the portfolio filter code as inquired on above?