Hello, I have two problems with the Portfolio section on the site http://www.biancoacolori.com.
1) I can not change the order of items Portfolio, nor using the “re-order” it by changing the date of the portfolio.
2) On the home page in the portfolio are not shown all the content if I use filters, but only a few.
How can I fix?
(sorry for my english but i used an automatic tarduttore 🙂
2) For example, if I click on the filter “Interior Design” in the Portfolio section on the home page does not appear anything, they should see each other 6 jobs. In fact, on the “portfolio” you see all 6 correctly.
1) You need to increase the post_count in the [show_post_snippets] or [show_portfolio] shortcode in such a way as to include these portfolio entries as part of portfolio entries shown. If you limit the number of entries, certain category portfolio entries may be left out.
2) To enable sorting, can you check this post and see if that helps –