I use the AppDev portfolio feature regularly. Recently I tried out a plugin called Aeolus Creative Portfolio (http://showcase.sakurapixel.com/aeolus_wp/parallax-showcase/page/2/)
It didn’t do what I wanted it to so I deleted this Aeolus plugin.
Then I noticed, that this plugin somehow messed up my normal portfolio. All the data seems to be there, but I can’t call up the individual portfolio pages. Even if I click on “view portfolio entry” from the back-end, it shows only the home page of my website, e.g. here: http://www.ysura.com/portfolio/sfa/
I think this bad plugin also tried to use the subfolder /portfolio/ and it didn’t remove it cleanly when I deactivated and uninstalled the plugin. Is there a way I can manually fix this?
Thanks for your help.