I have a problem when making text links in the heading2 shortcode? When ever i make a link in the pitch text and save the page, then the whole pitch text disapear on the front end? Remove the link, save again and the pitch text is back on the front end.
Is there a special trick to inserting links in your shortcodes without breaking them?
I just logged into your admin panel. Instead of writing the text as the pitch text, I added it as a regular paragraph, and now the link is working fine.
i used that work around other places but it doesn’t really solve or answer the problem? Putting it in a regular paragraph works but leaves me with a lot of css fixing to get paddings right.
Any idea how to get a links in the heading2 shortcode working?
I’m afraid the only way of achieving this with just a few code tweaks is to add it as a regular paragraph. Which CSS tweaks do you need in order to make it look right? Could you please show us a screenshot with the adjustments that you need?
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