I love the Fusion theme and plan to use it on a WordPress based site, but the WordPress files included are way too involved and customized. Could I get the html files so I could make my own simple WP theme?
I thought it was other way around with complex html simplified with the help of shortcodes in WordPress. We rarely see people asking for HTML files and unfortunately we do not have them. But you can always generate HTML files from the sample data and use them. Just do right click -> View Source from the browser to get the HTML for a page. At least, this is what I can think of at present.
Yeah, that’s what I’m doing at the moment. Just thought I’d check and see if I could receive the HTML as well so I wouldn’t have to do double the work.
I can make themes on wordpress, but your theme is super complex to me, so I don’t wanna mess directly with it to try and adapt it.
That sounds interesting. If you do make one, pls consider sending me a copy of your theme so that I can compare and see ways to improve the current one. Thanks 🙂
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