How to insert "features" on website?


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  • #30005
    Peter Hellmuth

    Dear forum,

    I just recently purchased the addons-for-visual-composer-pro and wish to create features similar to this:

    I’ve installed the plugin and can find many of the Livemesh Addons, however, nothing seems to add up or come close to the linked feature?

    I believe I have the pro-version that is required. Can you please point me to the right direction?

    I wish to add it to my site [url=][/url]

    Thank you for your help!


    Demo page/sample data is shipped with plugin bundle itself. If you import the sample data you ll get all the demo pages, this will help customizing contents easier.


    If you need help with importing demo pages pls share a temp login to your site here as a private reply.

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