I’m wondering how to include in my menu (not the general categories nor the events categories, but the Fitness Categories. I’m using the “features” as the services of my web, so I’d need to include just this categories inside the header menu.
Not sure I understand your query fully. What exactly do you mean when you say you want to display fitness categories? Features have their own shortcodes that you can use to display and is documented in the documentation. Do you need something more than what it provides? There is also [show_post_snippets] shortcode which can help with the help of its post_type parameter.
I have to re-ask my question because the answer you gave to me is not what I was asking. Sorry!
My point is:
In dashboard/appearance/menus you can choose between pages, links, events, post-categories and events-categories to add to a menu but NOT fitnness-categories. I would like to find the way to include my “fitness-categories” in a menu?
In the other hand, does it exist any shortcode to show “fitness-categories” and could insert them in a header menu?
Hope this time I have explain myself better than before!
At present there may not be a way to do that but again, [show_post_snippets] shortcodes with the option taxonomy and terms parameters can do the same for you. Pls consult the documentation for the this shortcode and see if you can use the same. You should be able to display features belonging to a certain category with the help of this shortcode. Pls let us know if you need further help.