I browsed the forum, but could not find a clear answer.
Issue: I receive a lot of contact form spam, even with the 13+9 option enabled.
Solution: use Contact Form 7 with honeypot/captcha instead.
Question: I really (really) like the way the integrated contact form is designed. Is there an easy way to replicate that layout for Contact Form 7? I tried just adding the shortcode that CF7 generates but it looks crappy (much smaller for instance).
Can you post the URL where you have this up and running so that I can suggest the required changes? Pls post a temp login as well to the site in a private message here. Thanks!
I did take a look at your site and tried a few things. Pls give me a day’s time to do a good job of this one and I will send across the code to you (contact form 7 import as well as Custom CSS required). I am planning to include this in the upcoming update as well so that everyone else can benefit too. Thanks for waiting.
Take all the time you need! And yes, I agree that this is an update-worthy addition. Contact form spam is a pain and the only way to tackle (minimize) it, is using third party plugins like Honeypot. I noticed you update the theme regularly. A good thing. I will update at some point, but not yet, because it is always a fair bit of work when you made changes to the theme files. I would appreciate it if (aside from the update) you can come up with a standalone solution. 🙂
I have made the changes required for the contact form 7 and since the changes are a little spread out (not easy to post it here), I will have an update out tonight with this change. Thanks
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