Change (translate) the text "Contact Us"

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums FitPro Theme Support Change (translate) the text "Contact Us"

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  • #17357

    Change (translate) the text “Contact Us”
    Sorry to be ignorant. How do I edit or translate the writing facing up “Contact Us” at the top?

    [attachment file=”contact_us.tiff”]


    You can learn from about translating your site into your language. Pls make sure you add the entry for your language into wp-config.php file like this –

    define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');

    Pls use the pot files in ‘fitpro/languages’ folder as a template to create .po files. -Poedit is the popular free editor for creating .po and the corresponding binary .mo files.

    If you want to change it to an alternate string in English then you can change directly in file en_US.po (default one), just need to change the string and hit update button.

    You may need to do an update in POEdit to see all the strings


    In which file I find the word “Contact us” and “Timings”?

    There is no file it_IT.po


    You can find it_IT.po file in languages folder.


    I looked in the file, but there is what I look for.

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