Reply To: Change the title of the blog post


Thank you. This is very good info!

I’d like to know how to make the blog title the same throughout, though. My blog heading looks like this:

My Blog Name
My Blog Description


Which is great. But when you click on an individual blog post, the heading looks like this:

My Blog Name


How can I make ‘My Blog Description‘ in paragraph form to show under ‘My Blog Name‘ in individual posts?

This is what’s in utility-functions.php:

function mo_populate_tagline() {

    /* Default tagline for blog */
    $tagline = mo_get_theme_option('mo_blog_tagline', __('My Blog Name', 'mo_theme'));

    $default_homepage_title = get_bloginfo('name') . __(' Home', 'mo_theme');
    $homepage_tagline = mo_get_theme_option('mo_homepage_tagline', $default_homepage_title);

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction!