Change the title of the blog post

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  • #1188

    Unlike other elements in the site like pages or custom post types like portfolio, currently title of a blog post shows up below the top header while leaving the top header to populate a tagline modifiable through the theme options. The default title is “Blog”. If you need to modify this, pls make the following change to the code –

    Look for function mo_populate_tagline() in the file framework/functions/utility-functions.php in theme folder, look for the line

    } elseif (is_singular('post')) {
            echo '

    ' . $tagline . '


    and remove it or make it –

    } elseif (is_singular('post')) {
            echo mo_get_entry_title();

    Then remove the below line from the file single.php in theme folder (line number 88 ) –


    Pls note that the current way of handling the blog post title enables us to conform to microformat. Not sure it matters anymore due to declining popularity of rss feeds.


    Thank you. This is very good info!

    I’d like to know how to make the blog title the same throughout, though. My blog heading looks like this:

    My Blog Name
    My Blog Description


    Which is great. But when you click on an individual blog post, the heading looks like this:

    My Blog Name


    How can I make ‘My Blog Description‘ in paragraph form to show under ‘My Blog Name‘ in individual posts?

    This is what’s in utility-functions.php:

    function mo_populate_tagline() {
        /* Default tagline for blog */
        $tagline = mo_get_theme_option('mo_blog_tagline', __('My Blog Name', 'mo_theme'));
        $default_homepage_title = get_bloginfo('name') . __(' Home', 'mo_theme');
        $homepage_tagline = mo_get_theme_option('mo_homepage_tagline', $default_homepage_title);

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction!


    You can change the function to something like below to obtain the result you desire –

    function mo_populate_tagline() {
        if (is_singular('post')) {
            echo '
    '; echo '

    The Cure

    '; echo '

    An eCommerce blog from the creators of Design Flu™

    '; echo '
    '; return; } /* Default tagline for blog */ $tagline = mo_get_theme_option('mo_blog_tagline', __('Blog', 'mo_theme')); $default_homepage_title = get_bloginfo('name') . __(' Home', 'mo_theme'); ...... .......

    I utilized the code you used for the blog page to populate the title for individual posts. Hope that helps.


    Perfect! Thank you! I really suck at php. 🙂

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