Antonio Scotti

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  • in reply to: How to change the page width #31451
    Antonio Scotti

    The Boxed layout option doesn’t appear at all in my current version of Peak, at least not in the Site layout options page. Should I download a new version?

    in reply to: Examples of live PeakTheme sites #31179
    Antonio Scotti

    Great! Thanks!!!

    in reply to: Scrolling of header #30945
    Antonio Scotti

    Dear Veena
    thanks for the css codes.
    Still, after applying the changes, the menu line is what makes a little movement up & down when the page is scrolled.
    By the way, what was the main reason for having this default behaviour?

    in reply to: Controlling the position of dropdow submenu #30625
    Antonio Scotti

    Hi Veena,
    thanks for your help.

    I am not sure I understand this:

    And pls give URL for each and every menu items(case studies for eg:) so that you will be free from further issues.

    Would you please you explain? Do you mean that it would be easier for you to help if I provide those links?
    Why would I be free from further issues?
    Best regards

    in reply to: Moving Menu bar down #30608
    Antonio Scotti


    in reply to: Editing individual sidebars contents #29170
    Antonio Scotti

    Thanks for clarifying!

    in reply to: Editing individual sidebars contents #29159
    Antonio Scotti

    Hello Veena
    I feel I didn’t make myself understood.
    I do understand how to hide/unhide a widget. My question was this: Imagine I have a sidebar in each page. And I have a text widget and an image widget. in Page A I want to show text “abcdr” and in page B I want to show text “gftsd” Where do I write this text? I mean if I need to write a different piece of text in the sidebar of each different page, should I add as many text widgets as pages, and then only keep visible in each page the corresponding text widget? Is this the correct way to go?

    in reply to: Editing individual sidebars contents #29131
    Antonio Scotti

    Hi, thanks

    but how do I include content into the sidebar itself ….can’t see any place where to do this. So on one hand I may want to display certain widgets and not others within the sidebar, and this can be done through what you just showed me, but then the content of the sidebar of each page may be different as well even if they show the same widget.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Editing individual sidebars contents #29123
    Antonio Scotti
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Editing individual sidebars contents #29090
    Antonio Scotti

    Thanks, but would you have an example of css coding to show me on how to do this, since I am not very familiar with using CSS? For example I have a page called “Permaculture” and I want to have a specific content inside the sidebar.

    Are you saying that I should write custom css code for each of the pages specifying how I want the sidebar to appear? ut then where do I actually specify the content of the sidebar????
    I think that it would be much easier if there would be a panel (so to speak) inside each page editing, which specifies what the content of that sidebar should be, if any, in a similar fashion to the page editor itself.

    Also when I include the custom widget (I assume that the custom widget that I would use is “custom posts” but I am not sure if this is the right one) where can I actually do the hiding/unhiding?

    in reply to: sidebar width #29086
    Antonio Scotti

    Many thanks!!!

    in reply to: Editing individual sidebars contents #29079
    Antonio Scotti

    Dear Veena,
    Well, right now I checked again and it appears to be showing correctly. I don’t understand why last night it appeared as cut by the WP-admin menu.

    Still I need to figure out how I can customize the content of the sidebar so that each page’s sidebar con have a different type of content. The addition of the “Custom posts” widget inside the Page Sidebar widget hasn’t produced and visible change in this respect and I am starting ti suspect that this is not what will help me get what I want to accomplish.

    If you still need to get access to our website please let me know.
    Best regards

    in reply to: sidebar width #29069
    Antonio Scotti

    Thanks Raghavendra!
    By the way what does it mean “@media only screen and” and “.sidebar-right-nav.threecol.last?”

    in reply to: Header width #28456
    Antonio Scotti

    Thanks. It’s actually the height that needs to be changed
    So as far as I can see, the left parameter changes the height, the middle parameter changes the height of the title and the right parameter? I gave it different values but nothing seems to happen

    Is there a way to eliminate the header (reduce to zero px), if necessary? I see that if I put the height to 0px, it shrinks to a minimum height but doesn’t reduce to zero.

    As for the footer, does it work in a similar way? But what would be equivalent of the “#title-area”?

    in reply to: Header width #28444
    Antonio Scotti

    I have seen another way to do this, by using the Theme Options->header. The thing is that apparently I cannot make the header smaller than a certain amount by just acting on this settings page. Is there any way to go to 50 pixels of width or below? (by the way what is the default set width?)

    Same thing with the main footer (footer 1). Can’t see where to modify its width.

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