widget position fixed

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  • #8546

    Is it possible to fix a widget in position (so that it stays in the same place as you scroll down the page?)

    This plugin http://wordpress.org/plugins/q2w3-fixed-widget/ seems to promise to do that, but it doesn’t seem to work at all with the widgets in the Extinct theme.

    I tried using some custom CSS to add position:fixed; to .sidebar-right-nav div or to .widget but when that does seem to work, it also seems to mess up the responsiveness of the theme or cause the widget to change size.

    If the q2w3 fixed widget plugin would work, that would be great. Or if there’s any other way?



    Woops! You can mark this one resolved. I got the plugin to work. It was actually working fine, but I had to adjust the top margin in its settings. the widget was being covered up by the floating top (primary) menu, so I couldn’t see it. Once I adjusted the top margin so it wasn’t covered up, it was no problem any more.


    Glad to hear that 🙂 .

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