Just updated LiveMesh and all of a sudden the only way to show the site is by DISABLE SMOOTH PAGE LOAD. However then the page menu does not work and the theme is boxed and not showing properly.
I see a number of errors on your site. You have probably migrated to WP 5.5 and hence the issue. Can you pls install the below plugin and see if that helps?
Following up on this thread, is there a later version of AppDev that is updated jQuery for WP 5.5 and future updates, still having warnings from jQuery helper as this is a temp fix?
Will get the update out with the fixes. I expect jquery migrate helper plugin to stay forever since there are so many libraries yet to be updated to handle later versions of jQuery.
Raghavendra – When can we expect an update on AppDev to align with jQuery of WP 5.6? I have yet to see any updates for this theme since we installed it.
We submitted an update last week with all the fixes. But we have a couple of compliance issues highlighted by the review team. We are working on the same. You should see an update this week. Most of the themes were cleared by the review team – only two of them were held for further changes. Thanks for checking with us.
Do you expect this to roll out before new year? seeing several warnings now with jQuery migrations so hope we can resolve this with the new version as soon as possible.