Team Section 'Connect Now' icons not showing in Chrome

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums Agile Theme Support Team Section 'Connect Now' icons not showing in Chrome

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  • #8121


    If i go to to see the Team slider inserted into a page with [team_slider] … in Chrome there are no little buttons/icons for the “Connect Now” section.
    Yet if you look at the same page in IE, it works and you can see the e.g. Email, FB, Twitter, Intsa icons.

    Is this a bug?
    Can i fix this so in chrome it works?

    This issue is on the demo site as well. Not just my site.
    I have cleared cache etc.
    Chrome Version 36.0.1985.125 m
    IE version 11.0.9600.17207

    thank you


    I haven’t heard of this issue from anyone else. Can you pls check in another machine, as me and my team members weren’t able to reproduce this issue. Everything is working fine in all the browsers on our side. Thanks!

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