Thanks as always for the outstanding support and awesome theme. With my last issue you guys helped tremendously however I ended up implementing a different solution for the image boxes in the end. Your assistance helped even with that. You get so much feedback I’m sure you may not remember that particular support issue which was nearly a couple weeks ago. I have a different question now…
I would like to have the site scroll automatically when swiped on a touch screen (or when scrolling with a mouse wheel) to a certain “anchor” if you will. Similar to what you might see on many one page flat style sites. Here is an example of what I’m referring to http://www.apple.com/iphone-5s/ When the mouse wheel is advanced or when swiped on touch screen it auto scrolls to the next section. Thanks allot.
You will notice on my site that I have anchored the menu to certain sections (as in the demo) Basically I would like to have the site also go to these sections automatically when swiped or rolled with the mouse wheel. Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind Regards,