I just updated to WordPress 4.4 and something strange happened with my app slider. A few of the icons went missing and the text beneath the icons had quotes around them. I looked at the code on the live page and for some reason WordPress was rendering two sets of quotes around the shortcode parameters.
For example:
The shortcode in the editor:
[tab_slide tab_icon=”icon-uniC4″ tab_name=”Discover”]
However in the code, the parameters appear with double quotes, causing it to show up improperly.
“”icon-unic4″” and “”Discover””
The odd thing is that it only occured on a few of the icons, but the first couple weren’t effected, even though they were using the same shortcode. I was able to solve it by simply taking out the quotes in the shortcode so it read like this:
[tab_slide tab_icon=icon-uniC4 tab_name=Discover]
I am wondering if this fix is sufficient? In the documentation, it shows to use quotes in the shortcode. Is this problem due to the WordPress update?