Revolution Slider – Dynamic-Captions.css file missing

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums FitPro Theme Support Revolution Slider – Dynamic-Captions.css file missing

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  • #8300

    Whenever we attempt to change the font styles on the Revolution Slider, it throws an error that reads: “Can’t write file /wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/css/dynamic-captions.css, please change the permissions!”

    The problem is that the dynamic-captions.css file does not exist. It was not part of the files we downloaded. We’ve tried creating an empty style sheet called dynamic-captions.css and giving it write permissions, but this still did not work.

    We need to be able to update the styles easily through the dashboard. Where is this file? What’s the fix?


    the dynamic-captions.css and static-captions.css will be created on demand. You need to make sure that the wp-content/plugin/revslider/ folder has enough rights to write it. The Two files are in the revslider/rs-plugin/css folder.

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