We’re working with Extinct in a local demo environment. Upon installation and activation the theme adds several custom post types (i.e. Testimonials, Pricing Plan, Portfolio, Team Profiles).
Some of these custom post types are not something that will be used in the live version of the project being worked on (we use plugins for these) and have been trying to remove the unwanted post types via the child theme functions.php.
None of the attempts have been successful. Usually we can unhook custom post types by using a snippet like the one below but unfortunately it doesn’t work with Extinct:
function remove_parent_theme_features() {
// Remove Custom Post Types
remove_action( 'init', 'mo_register_pricing_post_type' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'remove_parent_theme_features', 10);
Could you advise the best way that we can remove unwanted post types?
It appears your support forum is butchering my attempt at a code snippet. Here is the pastebin link..
Remove Custom Post Type Snippet – Pastebin