1) How can I remove the First Menu NOT the Second that appear when the user scroll the page to bottom?
PS: I want to remove the First Menu from cellphone, tablet and PC to make a squeezy page using the Single Page Template.
I tryed, but on on of the problems was to find the file with this line “<div style=”height: 100px;” class=”sticky-wrapper”><div id=”header”>” that has 100px on code, not css.
Can u give me a complete solution for I ask?
Hi! If what you’re trying to accomplish a single page without any header you can enter the following CSS code in your Custom CSS Section in your Theme Options panel:
#header {display: none}
Let us know if this serves your purposes, if not we’ll keep working on it.
As I understand from the thread, looks like you want to disable the sticky menu. The code you are referring to is inserted by Javascript actually and hence not worth changing the same. To disable the sticky menu, can you try to see if disabling the sticky menu using the option in the General tab of theme options helps?
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