Reducing Cycle Slider Height

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  • #24
    Hey LiveMesh,
    I am loving your template, thank you again for all the help.
    I have a quick question for you. I would like to change the size of the cycle slider on the home page of the website to be a little bit smaller. Do you know of any way to do this?

    Assuming 325px as the desired height, in the {theme directory}/framework/presentation/slider-manager.php, under the display_cycle1_slider() method, change the line number 413 from –

    $args = array('image_size' => 'slider-thumb',
    'size' => 'full',
    'extra_shadow' => false

    to your preferred custom size –

    $args = array('image_size' => array('width' => 960,'height' => 325),
    'size' => 'full',
    'extra_shadow' => false

    Also, pls paste the following css code in the Custom CSS tab in Enticing Options Panel –

    #cycle1-slider-wrapper {
    height: 325px;

    The slider size needs to be an option in the options panel. WIll include the same in next update so that you do not have to make these code changes.


    Got it! Thank you for the help!

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