primary menu & error in footer

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  • #1766


    I like to left justify primary menu?

    Between footers i have this etc:
    [an error occurred while processing the directive]

    Thank you


    Hi ones more

    Her are attachment
    I cant figure why there is white stroke on top of menu
    And is there any possibility to make menu to not jump when scroll but stay consistent.

    Thank you


    Hi – it’s hard to make out the exact issue by looking at the screenshot (white stroke issue). Is it possible to leave a private message here for me with the site URL and little more description of what is happening?

    And the error – [an error occurred while processing the directive] – haven’t encountered that before and I suspect a setup issue or a plugin issue. Can you check if this resolves the issue for you –

    If not, pls disable all plugins and see if that helps. If nothing works, pls leave your login to the site and I can take a look. Thanks

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    I see the white line now. Pls insert the following custom css in the Custom CSS tab in the theme options panel or in the custom/custom.css file.

    #header { border-top: none; }

    It will get it removed in the next update so that you do not have to repeat it.

    For the thumbnail issue, pls see the code fix mentioned at the bottom of this post –


    For the footer issue, if you post me a temp login, I can take a look. Is it due to the Recent Tweets widget settings not being set? I am not sure but will need a closer look. I have not been able to reproduce this nor have anyone reporting this on any of my themes in the past. Thanks


    How can left justify maine menu?


    For left justifying the menu, pls insert the following CSS into Custom CSS tab in the Theme Options panel or the /custom/custom.css file –

    #primary-menu { float: left; } 
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    This reply has been marked as private.


    I like to make circle images as you have it on About Us for client testimonials on People page.

    Is there way to do portfolio snippets of specific portfolio posts.


    Rounded portfolio or portfolio with circular images is achieved with help of following shortcode available with the theme. –

    [show_rounded_post_snippets post_count=12 image_size=’medium’ post_type=”portfolio” terms=”nature” taxonamy=”portfolio_category”]

    While you cannot specify specific portfolio items to display in this portfolio shortcode, you can group these items into a category and then use the category to filter the portfolio items shown, as illustrated in the example above.


    BTW, the above shortcode is not something that is officially part of this theme and hence you will find that the hover on the images is aligned right. Will need some custom CSS to fix this (assuming that you are wrapping the above shortcode within a div with id – #circular-portfolio) –

    #circular-portfolio .image-info { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
    #circular-portfolio .image-info .image-info-buttons { right: 50%; margin-right: -12px; }
    #circular-portfolio .image-info .terms { margin: 0 auto; top: 20%; text-align: center; }

    The div tag thing!?!
    I hade same eror on right column for contact page as one appearing in footer until i added another closing div


    as well on some of the pages if i don’t have booth </div> footer content spreads across window whit of the browser

    I will be migrating from current locations to other server so I’m not worried yet but maybe this can help pointing out the issue of [an error occurred while processing the directive]

    Thank you


    I checked the content and it looks solid, no unclosed divs etc., at least not on the portfolio page I checked where the error is shown. From my research, I see that in most cases, this error occurs when your .htaccess file in the root folder is configured incorrectly. The error should resolve itself on the new installation. I can give a try at resolving this for you if you send me a temporary login to the WordPress dashboard, along with a temporary FTP access to this site so that I can debug this for you. You may also email me the same (see bottom right box in my profile page). Thanks

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