Hi there,
First of all thanks for developping this theme. I love the clever custom posts an it has almost everything I was looking for.
I use this theme basically with Learndash as a virtual campus. I also installed Paid-Memberships-Pro for content restriction to run ‘public’ (open after purchase/registration) and ‘private’ (closed, invitation-based) courses. The private membershiplevels allow me to run blended in-company courses.
As part of the support system I installed BBpress for the participants of a course, since both Learndash and PMPro integrate with BBpress (restriction on both courses as well as membership).
My problem is that out of the box BBpress is …how to say it nicely… ‘damn ugly’ 😉 . I went through the bbpress documentation, but hacking away at php and css is not my hobby. I want to spend my time on creating content.
Could you help me to make the forum more congruent /pretty with the Invent theme? Having said above I don’t mind cutting and pasting some code.
To be honest, I expected an integrated forum with your theme because of its social/educational character. Would you consider a nicely integrated forum as part of your theme, so us mortals can spend our time on building the courses 🙂
kind regards,