I finally went live with my website. Many thanks for both your great theme and for the help you gave me along the way. A couple of tweaks I’d like to make if possible are as follows:
1. When I hover on a menu item, a small white box appears with the name of the menu item inside. I’d like to get rid of that.
2. The Home button on the menu reloads the page, whereas the other buttons have it scroll to the appropriate section. I’d like the home button to scroll as well, instead of reloading.
3. I have my own get app button I’d like to put on the header instead of the one that came with the theme. I’m using the button at the bottom of my site (if you click, “get” on the menu) it’s there and I prefer it because it matches the color scheme and flavor of the rest of the site. Is there a way to use it instead of the default button? I’ve tried to insert it into the header via a text widget, but to no avail.
That’s about it. I am very excited with what I’ve been able to create with you wonderful theme. These tweaks are not crucial, but if they’re simple enough fixes, then I would love to make them.
Thanks for all your help!