With the new update, iPhone Slider shortcode was rolled out. When you update the theme, you might notice a slight misalignment in the slides of the iPhone slider. This is due to a correction that has happened with the new update to overcome certain WP quirks by using shortcode instead of content HTML.
The shortcode enabled us to get around the WordPress issue of generating empty paragraphs, line breaks. It also gives a nice feel or control over to the content when viewing the same in the visual WYSIYYG editor and overcomes the problem of HTML tags being misplaced when using the visual editor. To use the iPhone Slider simply use the shortcode this way with all its many options –
[iphone_slider direction_nav=true control_nav=false slideshow_speed=6000 animation_speed=500 pause_on_action=true pause_on_hover=true easing="swing" style="margin-bottom:20px;" image_urls="http://yourdomain.com/iphone-slide1.jpg,http://yourdomain.com/iphone-slide1.jpg,http://yourdomain.com/iphone-slide1.jpg"]
You would provide the image URLs in a comma separated string. This slider shortcode essentially enables to use the iPhone Slider as a touch enabled, responsive gallery of app screenshots wherever you want(post,page,portfolio) and any number of times you want. Hope you will find it useful. Thanks