iPhone slider screenshots positioned too far down

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums Agile Theme Support iPhone slider screenshots positioned too far down

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  • #10964

    In the iPhone slider, the cropped 338×579 screenshots are placed too far down on the page in relation to the iPhone slider template image, so the bottom of screenshots get cut off.

    Do you have a CSS fix for this?

    (See attached illustration.)


    Pls use the below custom CSS –

    .iphone-slider-container .flex-slider-container {
    top: 16.1%;

    Adjust the “top” value accordingly.


    I can improve the layout somewhat by fiddling with the top and left values, but I can never get it “just right”.

    It seems I have to choose between clipping part of the screenshot or not covering the area fully. I have gone for a little bit of clipping at the moment as it’s the least bad option, visually.

    I suggest you work on improving this for the next version of the template. App startups need pixel-perfect product presentations.

    It’s the single most important area of the entire web site.


    Thanks for your feedback. Will work on this.

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