LearnDash is a online LMS while the core theme itself is built around the concept of a college or a university offering courses for study. Integrating the two is easier said than done. The purpose behind the two are separate and hence they cannot merge in my opinion. LearnDash has been around for a long time promising full scale LMS functions and if you think it is missing something , you should ask them to provide for the same instead of expecting this theme to supply the missing features in the plugin ( assuming you were looking to make the theme features like staff/department/courses etc. to apply to LearnDash components).
The theme guarantees compatibility with LearnDash LMS and styles many of its components so that we maintain that uniform look and feel extending to LearnDash. That’s the meaning of integration. Otherwise they should stay separate since the problem domain of two is different. I am really sorry if we misled you somewhere into believing that they are all integrated.