We have used 800 x 600 px for the portfolio images. I would recommend a ratio of 12:9 for small and medium images. For large images 11:6 ratio works out fine (for eg 1920 x 1080 px).
Image size can be mini, small, medium, large, full, square.
We have set it as ‘medium’.
You can change it in loop-portfolio.php and see which image size will be good for your portfolio images.Possible image sizes are given in the documentation.
Thanks for the tips guys and kudos for prompt support!
Just a sidenote – how did you kake the “overlay” (or a gradient) on the photos to make them look more alike? It seems to me there is a greyish overlay, maybe a new layer made in Photoshop, with 20% opacity or so, with radial gradient brighter in the center, darker toward the edges?
It looks really pleasing to the eye and makes the whole portfolio look more “even”
You are right about the technique. Create a layer at top of the image layer and fill it with a gradient. Set the blend modes to overlay or soft light and change the opacity to say 30% or so. Hope that helps!
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