I have seen another way to do this, by using the Theme Options->header. The thing is that apparently I cannot make the header smaller than a certain amount by just acting on this settings page. Is there any way to go to 50 pixels of width or below? (by the way what is the default set width?)
Same thing with the main footer (footer 1). Can’t see where to modify its width.
What you need to change exactly height or width?
You can change the title area height by adjusting the padding.
Pls try the below custom CSS in themeoptions –
Thanks. It’s actually the height that needs to be changed
So as far as I can see, the left parameter changes the height, the middle parameter changes the height of the title and the right parameter? I gave it different values but nothing seems to happen
Is there a way to eliminate the header (reduce to zero px), if necessary? I see that if I put the height to 0px, it shrinks to a minimum height but doesn’t reduce to zero.
As for the footer, does it work in a similar way? But what would be equivalent of the “#title-area”?