"Gallery Packed" page section

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  • #15171


    On our home page, we have used a page section which I believe was originally entitled “Gallery Packed” displaying 8 images. By default it seems to be auto populated by the 8 most recent uploads to the main Gallery of the site.

    I would prefer this “Gallery Packed” page section to only ever display the same 8 images. As it is on the home page, we would like to maintain a high quality of images displaying a variety of subjects.

    I know it is possible to enter short-code that pulls from 1 specific category but in this case the category would show up when hovering over the image and I want to show a variety of categories. Also, I presume that this category would have to also have to exist in the main Gallery.

    In short, I would like the “Gallery Packed” page section to display the following:
    8 pre selected images from the Gallery.
    8 images that don’t change (unless we choose to edit the section).
    A variety of categories.




    To achieve this, we will need to customize the theme to handle gallery ids. The category won’t work either since you may add certain gallery items to the category and the shortcode would pull the item from the category.

    I would recommend you try this plugin. It is extremely versatile and worth the small investment –


    You will be able to choose the images, create unlimited galleries, choose from multitude of hover effects, lazy load images on scroll etc.

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