Hi, awesome theme. Love it.
Just a couple of strange things happening on my site: http://www.saltarhype.com.au
1. The content area doesn’t quite reach the edges. There’s a 5mm gap on each side of my site. But when I view the Wired live demo, it fills the edges and a bit extra as well. I’m using a Macbook 15″ (1440×990)… It’s as if the content box only wants to stretch to 1430 wide instead of 1440.
2. The floating ‘back to top’ button is missing and I don’t recall ever seeing it. I’ve tried both ‘disabled’ and ‘enabled’ mode in the theme’s settings, but no dice. It’s non-existent.
Here’s an administrator login I made for you if you wanna get in there and have a look.
username: wiredhelp
password: password2016
Thanks very much!
Matt / Saltar Hype Events