Pls use the pot files in ‘agile/languages’ folder as a template to create .po files. -Poedit is the popular free editor for creating .po and the corresponding binary .mo files.
You may need to do an update in POEdit to see all the strings.
First of all thank you so much for great help. I have did maximum, but still having the following issues.
I have followed the instruction but max 4 column is showing in portfolio, i am not able to make it five column.
And the backend language is changed to Detusch but the fronend language is still not changed after doing all these. find the contact form here you will find Name,Email,Phone etc are still in english, please tell me how can i change this to Detusch?
Thank You
Pls try to modify the strings in file contact-shortcodes.php (framework/shortcodes/contact-shortcodes.php) line nos: 42,44,46,50,53,55,59.
Pls find the attached screenshot.
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