Footer – Same as Demo


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  • #2364

    Hi There,

    I’m trying to get the footer looking the same as the demo site.
    I have tried all possibilities, have looked at the documentation and searched the forum, no luck, could you please assist.

    Thanks Johan

    PS: finding my way around the theme slowly


    Pls setup the widgets as shown in the below screenshot. You can find these widgets under Appearance->Widgets in WordPress Admin dashboard –

    You can also set the footer columns in Footer tab in theme options panel under Appearance->Theme Options. Let me know if you still further help. Thanks


    Hi There,

    Thanks for this it has helped, but I want the footers not to be right at the edge of the page. Your is almost a “tab” space in from left and right.

    Also how do I add the view portfolio button under the “About this WP Theme”


    The button is created simply by inserting the following HTML in a text widget containing the About Us HTML –

    View Our Portfolio

    I was not sure what you meant when you say “edge of the page”. Can you pls elaborate preferably by sending/posting the URL where this is occurring? Thanks

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