Featured Images not showing up with server error status 400

Support Forums for LiveMesh Themes & Plugins Forums Enticing Theme Support Featured Images not showing up with server error status 400

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    I have just purchased your enticing theme but I have a problem . Featured images are not shown and the error is “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) “. I can see the featured images in the admin panel. My wordpress version is 3.4.1 .


    Thanks for purchasing our theme. It would help if you can help post a temp login to your installation since I have not encountered this before. Also it would help if you can check if changing the ‘Thumbnail Generation’ option value in General tab of Options Panel to WordPress from the default value of TimThumb solves this problem by any chance. It could be due to TimThumb failing to generate images due to insufficient permissions. Pls let us know.


    Hi, i have solved the problem. the reason of the problem is lack of gd libary in my apache server. Thanks for your fast responce.

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