Hello, I try (in local) this wordpress theme and I tried to import data from appdev-sample-data.xml file and except that it take a lot of time to finish when the upload is finish but I solve this problem with spliting xml file 🙂
I have a lot of “failed upload message” There are a bit example:
Failed load product_cat bla bla bla….. I’m thinking all catĂ©gory/order/product about WooCommerce plugin are failed to load !!
What is the solution please ? I have to install Woocommerce before uploading data to avoid this failed message ? And if I don’t need the e-commerce yet, is there problem if the upload is failed ?
Second question, in your last version 2.0 you say there is a new documentation, I have version 1.0 about documentation and it is Created: 05/24/2013
Thanks in advance