I’ve just installed Squash theme and I got an error message when I visit the portfolio page:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ../wp-content/themes/squash/framework/functions/utility-functions.php onument+supplied+for+foreach()+in+wp-content%2Fthemes%2Fsquash%2Fframework%2Ffunctions%2Futility-functions.php
Sorry you are having trouble with this. Can you pls post the screenshot of the error since the above message seems to be missing a few details? Or email me the URL of the page where it is happening. Thanks
Looks like the portfolio entries have not been assigned a portfolio category which is making these messages to crop up. Pls add and assign a portfolio category for each of the portfolio items. Will take care of this error in the upcoming update.
If you do not see the option to set the portfolio category in your portfolio edit window, you may enable it by checking the box on the top by clicking the screen options as shown in the screenshot below –
That was ok, but I found the problem: I had had the same portfolio section for a different Theme and I was trying to take advantage of that. The problem was the content in the content area instead of the form you give in this theme. Once it was removed, the problem ended.
Thank you very much
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