Dynamic breadcrumbs

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  • #14335


    I have a need to use the breadcrumbs in such a way that the breadcrumb path can be generated from a the previous page (dynamically) or create a manual path.

    I have a page created that uses post snippets to display courses by category i.e. bci.education/accelerator/university-accelerator-programme, when I then select a course i.e. http://bci.education/course/computing-accelerator/. The breadcrumb correctly is ‘Home / Courses / Introduction to Information Sy …’. However in my case I want it to be something like ‘Home / Accelerator /Accelerator Programme / Introduction to Information Sy …’, therefore giving the user a more logical navigation path.

    I appreciate I am asking a lot but it would be great if I could crack this solution, as I’ve been given quite a complicated structure to replicate.

    Many regards,

    Pete Stephens


    You need to modify file framework/presentation/custom-post-types.php line 123 –

    'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'course' ),

    After making slug change pls visit permalink settings.

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