1. Rev Slider
Downloaded your demos for the slider and imported them. The slider demo files were not the same as shown in your video and do not respond the same as in your demo on ThemeForest.
In the zip file, there is a folder called Revolution-slider-instructions>example-zips> this folder has 4 zip files for the rev slider. Kenburnsexport.zip, sliderpreview_fullscreen.zip, sliderpreview.zip and videoexport.zip.
I am wanting the rev slider settings so the slider moves like on here: https://www.livemeshthemes.com/themes/?theme=Austin – what sold me on your theme 🙂
Are the files I received from your download correct?
2. On Home 2, the dropdown menu isn’t working. Is there a way to show everything under for instance Pages? I’m using Home2 menu as the primary menu.
What are the anchors for the 1 page? I’ve figured out most from taking off your full URL and leaving the anchor text #contact, etc. Is there one for #about, #team, etc?
Thanks for your help