thanks for your nice template, when trying and finding out how everything works by using the Demo Content, i found out some bugs/differences of the Demo I want to commit. I tried multiple reinstalls without changes. Maybe there are some missing things i have to do?
Page “Pages”: missing / not found
Pages > Templates > Left Sidebar: No Left Sidebar
Pages > Blog: No right sidebar
Pages > Portfolio Shortcodes: Page is not shown correctly ([crayon] f.e.)
Pages > Gallery Page: Demo is not Ajax like online, changing to Ajax does not work
Buggy Post “Slider Post” without changing Slides (see on Pages > Blog f.e.)
Bottom Page Section “Join the conversation” is not includeded in Demo
Admin > Menus: Links are static to https://www.livemeshthemes.com/agile/
Overall, really nice work, keep going! 😉
Thanks Thomas