Hi. I am trying to improve the page loading speed for my website. I’ve sorted minifying and caching but the remaining issue is moving the JS to the footer. When I try to do this basically the home screen remains white until all the JS is loaded (I am using page sections in the home screen).
I have run my website (ironicthought.com) through pagespeed tools and it says the following JS functions should be moved to the footer:
jquery.js (83.7KiB)
isotope_gallery_installer/com/riaextended/js/tween/TweenMax.min.js (77.7KiB)
rx_ourteam/com/riaextended/js/tween/TweenMax.min.js (77.7KiB)
revslider/rs-plugin/js/jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js?rev=4.1.4&ver=3.8.1 (69.6KiB)
revslider/rs-plugin/js/jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js?rev=4.1.4&ver=3.8.1 (60.8KiB)
isotope_gallery_installer/com/riaextended/js/tween/CSSPlugin.min.js (24.4KiB)
sk_igallery/js/igallery.js (14.2KiB)
isotope_gallery_installer/js/external/jquery.isotope.min.js (14.0KiB)
isotope_gallery_installer/js/rx_isotope_gallery.js (8.9KiB)
jquery-migrate.min.js (5.5KiB)
agile/js/libs/jquery.easing.1.3.js (3.5KiB)
isotope_gallery_installer/com/riaextended/js/tween/easing/EasePack.min.js (3.3KiB)
utils.min.js (1.6KiB)
rx_ourteam/js/rx_ourteam.js (1.2KiB)
What can I move and still have my home screen work?
Kind regards.