1. You can set it in the widget settings itself.
you can provide a padding of 90px for top and bottom area.
You can use a translation file (using POEdit to change the data in languages directory) to change to any string you like. If you do an update in the en_US.po (or another depending on your site language) file, you should find all the translatable strings in the strings list . You would then be able to input any alternate string of your choice there.
You can get information from http://www.solostream.com/blog/tutorials/translate-wordpress-theme/ about translating your site into your language.
Pls use the pot files in ‘extinct/languages’ folder as a template to create .po files. http://www.poedit.net/ -Poedit is the popular free editor for creating .po and the corresponding binary .mo files.
You may need to do an update in POEdit to see all the strings. Do reach out to us in case you find something that is not translation ready.
3.Pls have the below custom CSS in themeoptions > custom CSS –
#portfolio-filter li a {
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #c1442f;
color: #fff !important;