Contact form not sending email

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  • #2022

    Where do I start in troubleshooting this issue?

    The form shortcode is as appears below. I am able to fill out, submit and receive a Thank You message, however, the submission does go anywhere from there. I do not receive the message to my email.

    [contact_form mail_to=”” human_check=true phone=true web_url=false subject=true]


    This usually happens if the email address specified in the mail_to parameter in the contact form is incorrect.

    You may also check the error log file in your WP installation folder to see if there has been any errors raised after submission.

    If this does not seem to be case, pls reply as a private message here with the site URL and a temporary login to the WordPress dashboard and I can take a look. You may also email me the same (see bottom right box in my profile page).


    Closing this issue since the contact email issue was resolved with the hosting provider setting up the outgoing email. Thanks.

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